2015年9月22日 星期二

summer vacation

            After I graduate from senior high school,I have three month to do before my university start. In this three month I have a lot of fresh thing like learning how to write formula to prepare my university and doing the part-time job to learn how to serve the customer with the good attitude. July first, I am not senior high school student anymore, I am university freshmen.First,my plan is learning how to write formula because I have no idea about  information engineering(IE) no matter I like or not,I already step in this department,so I try to figure out this department to understand deeply. End of  July,I have family trip to Japan,we went there about five day but most of the days are raining because of  typhoon it pretty disappointed but still I have a lot of fun there.
              In August,I started to find some part-time job to do, the reason I start to find part-time job is want to earlier step in the society and to learn through the experience.But I still can't found the job, I called to my friend, he invited me to work in the restaurant that filled with many different kind of shrimp. The employees there are friendly they will teach you step by step, my first work is to clean up the table,it seem pretty easy but it pretty hard to do,you need to clean up the table fast and clean, dump the food in the garbage can and start to pile up the bowl plate chopstick pot .........,pile up the things is the most difficult to do but when you do for along time you with pile up very fast. My second work is to serve food to the customer, you need to serve food with the smile on your face,the customer will think how nice the waiter is,because the most important in service industry is need to have a big smile on you face. After one month, I did pretty good at it and I learn at lot of things in this restaurant the way you talk to customer the attitude you act it good to have those experience and it helpful to me when I step in the society. I think this summer vacation really adequate my life a lot, I hope next vacation I can plan the things I like and to gain more experience and knowledge.  

1 則留言:

  1. Lucky you, I've been searching for a partime job for 2 whole months and still got nothing.
