2015年10月21日 星期三

Ted video review

          This video is about how people defeat the fears or the things that you are not good at. The people in the video name Tim Ferriss , who is fear at swimming when he was child. Tim was a early born baby , he has lung problem so he isn't good at breathing , one time he almost die in the water because someone grab his leg it make a big impress in Tim heart , but Tim think it's one of his greatest humiliations and embarrassment , so he try to defeat the fear about swimming at last the fear of swimming turn into his favorite hobby. Tim second fear is learning japan language , he keep finding the better way to learn japan language , at last he find the way to help him learn fast and it make him start to interested in learning language. The third is dancing in the ballroom dancing club because step on the girl feet before , he is too care about so he fears to go in the ballroom dancing club again. He joining the dancing class just for a moment , the teacher say his dance isn't too bad ,so he buy one month dancing class. He keep practicing with teacher and it make interested in dancing.
         The main point is don't be afraid of fear or the things you can't learn , no one is perfect , everybody is same is equal , your success just decide how you put in. When you defeat the fear or the way you learn your life won't feel humiliations and embarrassment , it will feel passionate life feel bright because it means you're success.

2015年10月20日 星期二

"Black Gold COFFEE:THE TRUE STORY" Question&Answer

3. a)What three things about an early morning cafe can make people feel good?
    A: music , picture and smell
    b)Why are coffee farmers in developing countries not happy?
    A: They get very little money and can't get the price they want.
    c)Where is the international price of coffee set?
    A: New York
    d)Which country is the world's biggest coffee produce?
    A: Africa
    e)In which year did Tadesse start his Co-operative Union?
    A: 1999
    f)Name the three types of coffee that Tadesse's farmers produce.
    A: Harar , Sidamo and Yirgacheffe

4. a)What do you think?
    A: I feel sad for them because they all do hard work on it but they just get a little money.
    b)What can Tadeese Meskela do to get a better price for his coffee?
    A: Wait the Union looking the fairer market where they can sell their coffee for better price.
    c)Write him a letter giving your suggestions.
    A: I don't have any suggestion.

5. a)Coffee is normally sold through a six-part chain. Coffee farmers are at the beginning of the chain.Who or what do you think make the rest of the chain?
    A: I think middlemen make the rest of the chain.
    b)The title of Chapter 3 is The WTO Talks in Mexico. The talks were about trying to make world trade fairer. What do you think happened at these talks? Were they successful? Why? Why not?
    A: I think these talk have failed completely. They were not successful because each country only talking about the right to their cooperation.

6. c) Coffee is the most traded commodity on the world after oil.
    e) Not many companies are happy to work outside the New York market.

7. a) The EU sent more than 650 delegates to the WTO talks.
    b) For the talks to be success, everyone needed to co-operate.
    c) For the developing countries trade was more important than aid.
    d) The the EU and the USA refused to stop subsidising their farmers.
    e) For the EU and the US, the rights of their corporations were more important than poverty and development.

8. a)Sam Mpasu from Malawi said, 'Trade is more important to us than aid.' Why is trade more important to developing countries than aids?
   A: Trade is more important than aids because aids have limit but trade not, they want the fairer trade, the money they should be get.
    b)Pascal Lamy, an Eu delegates, said, ' The developing countries didn't want to learn about ways to manage the free market.' Do you agree with him? Why? Why not?
   A: Disagree, because the Eu and USA just care about their profit and their right about the cooperation, doesn't care about how the coffee farmers feel. They want to learn but the powerful country keep suppressing them.

2015年10月4日 星期日

Global Issue : Europe Refugee

    This year there was a big news in EU, in Mediterranean sea there was about ten thousands of immigrant trying to escape from their country, the main reason is civil war, persecution and fleeing the poverty . According to United Nation , beginning of the year about thirty thousands of refugee go through Mediterranean sea trying to find the safety place , the immigrant amount already higher than last year , it’s pretty confuse European Union.
           United Kingdom prime minster accept thousands of Syria refugee come to their country , UK prime minster say it can’t really solve the refugee problem so they start to find out the solution. According to EU rules, immigrants need to apply government asylum to the first country they come in, but most of them didn’t want to apply because their goal is escape to France or north Europe. The escape to those place because in EU there is a sign that they can freely go through each country and it benefit to EU economy, because this reason refugee try to go to those country, so in EU everyday news there were a lot refugee confrontation or against to police.
       EU serious look at this problem and hardly to solve this problem, the reason they start to look at it because there was a child body deadly lying on the beach in this picture, but to Europe their economy is getting worse, some of country can’t take care themselves, like Italy Greece have debt problem.
        Now EU still finding the solution to solve this problem, to me I really feel sad to those refugees, hope they can quickly find the way so they don’t need to escape around.